Multimodal Optimization Using Niching Differential Evolution with Index-based Neighborhoods

TitleMultimodal Optimization Using Niching Differential Evolution with Index-based Neighborhoods
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsEpitropakis, MG, Plagianakos, VP, Vrahatis, MN
Conference NameIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2012. CEC 2012. (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence)
Date PublishedJune
Conference LocationBrisbane, Australia

A new family of Differential Evolution mutation strategies (DE/nrand) that are able to handle multimodal functions, have been recently proposed. The DE/nrand family incorporates information regarding the real nearest neighborhood of each potential solution, which aids them to accurately locate and maintain many global optimizers simultaneously, without the need of additional parameters. However, these strategies have increased computational cost. To alleviate this problem, instead of computing the real nearest neighbor, we incorporate an index-based neighborhood into the mutation strategies. The new mutation strategies are evaluated on eight well-known and widely used multimodal problems and their performance is compared against five state-of-the-art algorithms. Simulation results suggest that the proposed strategies are promising and exhibit competitive behavior, since with a substantial lower computational cost they are able to locate and maintain many global optima throughout the evolution process.

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