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Filters: Author is M. N. Vrahatis and First Letter Of Title is E  [Clear All Filters]
Book Chapter
M. G. Epitropakis, Plagianakos, V. P., and Vrahatis, M. N., Evolutionary Algorithm Training of Higher-Order Neural Networks, in Artificial Higher Order Neural Networks for Computer Science and Engineering: Tends for Emerging Applications, M. Zhang, Ed. IGI Global, 2009.
Conference Paper
M. G. Epitropakis, Plagianakos, V. P., and Vrahatis, M. N., Evolutionary Adaptation of the Differential Evolution Control Parameters, in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009. CEC 2009, Trondheim, Norway, 2009. (182.16 KB)
M. G. Epitropakis, Plagianakos, V. P., and Vrahatis, M. N., Evolving cognitive and social experience in Particle Swarm Optimization through Differential Evolution, in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2010. CEC 2010. (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence), Barcelona, Spain, 2010. (1.19 MB)

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