2nd International Workshop on

Advances in Multimodal Optimization

September 17 - 21, 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland

Held in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2016)

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About this Workshop

The workshop attempts to bring together researchers from evolutionary computation and related areas who are interested in Multimodal Optimization. This is a currently forming field, and we aim for a highly interactive and productive meeting that makes a step forward towards defining it. The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity to review the advances in the current state-of-the-art in the field of Niching methods. Further discussion will deal with several experimental/theoretical scenarios, performance measures, real-world and benchmark problem sets and outline the possible future developments in this area. Positional statements, suggestions, and comments are very welcome!


Population-based meta-heuristic search algorithms such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) or Swarm Intelligence (SI) approaches, in their original forms are usually designed for locating a single global solution. Nevertheless, many real-world problems are multimodal by nature, i.e., multiple satisfactory solutions exist. It may be desirable to locate many such satisfactory solutions so that a decision maker can choose one that is most appropriate for his/her problem domain. Numerous techniques have been developed in the past for locating multiple optima (global or local), and most of these are commonly referred to as niching methods, e.g., crowding, fitness sharing, derating, restricted tournament selection, clearing, speciation.

Multimodal Optimization is currently undergoing a resurgence, re-establishing itself as an active research area that transforms and extends beyond the classic niching methods. This workshop attempts to bring together researchers from many subfields of operational research, evolutionary computation and related areas who are interested in Multimodal Optimization. The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity to discuss the advances in the current state-of-the-art in the field of Niching methods. We intend to hold the workshop in a very interactive fashion, emphasizing discussion, exchange and possibly synthesis of opinions. Prospective topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • Adaptive or parameter-less niching methods
  • Benchmarking niching methods, including test functions and performance metrics
  • Comparative studies of various niching methods
  • Handling the issue of niching parameters in niching methods
  • Handling the scalability issue (both dimensionality and modality) in niching methods
  • Multiobjective approaches to niching
  • Theoretical analysis of niching methods
  • Niching methods applied to discrete optimization problems
  • Niching methods applied to constrained optimization problems
  • Niching methods applied to engineering and other real-world optimization problems
  • Niching methods applied to computational expensive optimization problems

Please note that we are NOT primarily interested in the global optimization task to find a single solution of a multimodal problem.

We invite authors/participants to submit new ideas, positional statements, and reviews/summaries/comments on existing work in the field of Multimodal Optimization in the form of extended abstracts (max 2 pages). The workshop will take place at PPSN 2016 in September 2016. Researchers working on finding multiple solutions of multimodal optimization problems are strongly encouraged to contribute!

This workshop is supported by the newly established IEEE CIS Task Force on Multi-modal Optimization.

Important Informations

Submission instructions

  • Submissions should have the form of extended abstracts up to two pages long, preferably formatted according to the plain article LaTeX style.
  • Send your extended abstract as a PDF attachment to m.epitropakis@lancaster.ac.uk.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: July 6, 2016
  • Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2016
  • PPSN Conference: September 17-21, 2016

Workshop Programme

Workshop schedule: Sunday 18, September 2016, Salisbury Room
9:30 -- 10:45: SESSION I
Time Title Authors
9:30 -- 9:35 Introduction to the Workshop WMMO: Recent developments in Multi-modal Optimization Michael Epitropakis, Mike Preuss, and Xiaodong Li
9:35 -- 10:00 Towards theoretical analysis in Multi-modal Optimisation Christine Zarges
10:00 -- 10:25 Assessing Basin Identification Methods for Locating Multiple Optima Simon Wessing, Gunter Rudolph, and Mike Preuss
10:25 -- 10:45 Multi-modality in Continuous Multi-Objective Optimization Pascal Kerschke and Christian Grimme
10:45 -- 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 -- 12:35: SESSION II
11:00 -- 11:25 Quality Diversity: Treating Diversity as the Primary Goal Justin K. Pugh and Kenneth O. Stanley
11:25 -- 11:50 Feature-Based Diversity Optimization for Problem Instance Classification Wanru Gao, Samadhi Nallaperuma, and Frank Neumann
11:50 -- 12:10 Improved species conserving genetic algorithm for solving combinatorial optimisation problems Kirils Bibiks, Jian-Ping Li, and Yim Fun Hu
12:10 -- 12:30 Multi-concept Optimization vs. Multi-modal Optimization Amiram Moshaiov
12:30 -- 12:35 Wrap-up Michael Epitropakis, Mike Preuss, Xiaodong Li


Dr. Mike Preuss

ERCIS, WWU Muenster,
Leonardo-Campus 3,
48149 Münster, Germany
email: mike.preuss@uni-muenster.de

Dr. Michael G. Epitropakis

Data Science Institute,
Department of Management Science,
Lancaster University Management School,
Lancaster University,
Lancaster LA1 4YX, United Kingdom.
email: m.epitropakis@lancaster.ac.uk

Assoc. Prof. Xiaodong Li

School of Computer Science and Information Technology,
RMIT University,
Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia.
email: xiaodong.li@rmit.edu.au